Telling a grown person that smoking is bad for them.. is.. well frankly speaking - not only redundant but also very very annoying.
Harping on about the dangers of smoking and giving real life examples and mouthing out statistics and all that. Well here is a news flash for all of you - WE ALREADY KNOW MOST OF IT.
A smoker chooses to smoke. Those of us who want to quit.. will quit. Going on and on about how bad it is for us and how we are ruining our lungs really doesn't help.
Hell most of the times I light up just to tick off certain friends of mine - who have been bugging me to quit. It's basically - ' YOU tell me to quit.. it annoys me. So now I get back at you by blowing smoke all over your face'
Lots of people have lots of annoying habits. I should know, I happen to have most of them. But just because you find them annoying doesn't give you the right to preach to me. You have a problem with me smoking, then its YP (Your Problem).
I could be considerate and shift to another place.. or perhaps be too considerate and put off the cigarette and not smoke in front of you. BUT that really doesn't mean that you have to yap away of how I am killing myself and bombard me with statistics and tell me how harmful the smoke is or how addictive nicotine is. Most of us are well aware and really don't need a revision lesson in Harmful Effects of Smoking - 101.
For the love of god, if you have said it to us once, and we have tolerated it, doesn't mean we would like to hear it again. WE WERE JUST BEING POLITE - the first time.
Smoking is bad, you know it and I know it. I choose to ignore that fact and smoke away.. and that's MY PROBLEM. If someone's smoking really bothers you so much, then you dont HAVE to sit next to them while they smoke. MOVE AWAY (that's just in case the smoker ISNT being considerate). Alternatively, when you go to a public place or something, please ensure you go to a non-smoking area - they now have dedicated areas in restaurants for smokers and non-smokers (don't be so happy with yourselves.. people like you succeeded in dividing mankind YET AGAIN).
Smokers - well we don't have a choice. The world decided to become health conscious and we really don't have much options (surprising.. go ahead and bomb an entire country.. thats fine.. but if someone is smoking next to u.. OMG.. that person is not only killing himself, but killing you too.. never mind how much pollutants you inhaled while walking on the road when you were taking your healthy morning walk)
Nobody stopped me from smoking in the non-smoking areas at the airport.. but then as soon as I saw the sign.. it just felt appropriate to put off the cigg. (see.. we do know how to respect the opinion of the non-smoking members of the public.. would be nice if the gesture was reciprocated)
Kuwait Airport's smoking area - SAD. (talking about the one AFTER the immigration point). They didn't even have the courtesy to put a couch for us to sit and enjoy our horrid habit (the last time I went, there wasn't one, don't know if there is one now). Would be nice if someone was courteous to the smokers too. I mean.. there is no reason why one can't be civil.