Well that's the tiny little picture one gets on the left side of the web address, in the address bar. In other words, the you see in the address bar - when you go to Google, or the
when you go to Yahoo.
Here is ONE OF many ways you can get it done for your blog.
Go to the above link. Register online (its free and takes a few minutes). Click on the activation link you will receive in your email. Once you have activated your account, Sign in. Then click on Edit blog (left side of the screen), Put up your blog details (Address, Name... the usual). Click Submit.
Then click on Change Favatar, select the pic you want to use as your Fav Icon. Click Submit.
Then click on Favatar Codes, copy the code appearing under favicon code - which should look somethin like :
link rel="shortcut icon" href="http://favatar.myfavatar.com/XXXX.ico"
type="image/x-icon" />
link rel="icon"
href="http://favatar.myfavatar.com/XXXX.png" type="image/png" />
Paste the code in your blogs template under the HEAD tag. Save template, n you are done.
P.s. Dont forget to clear up the browser cache. It might take some time for the Fav icon to appear.
Favatar site seems to be down.. so here is another way of getting your Fav Icon done
If you know how to make a Fav Icon using a photo editor (adobe or whatever), go ahead and do it. Otherwise you can go to Favicon editor site, like this one and make one from there. It is easy.
With that done, Upload your ICO file (name it anything you like) to a web server like Tripod or whatever, I am using HostAnyPic (free) and then edit your blogs template (Edit HTML) to read:
<link href='URL to your ICO file that you are hosting' rel='shortcut icon'/>
<link href='URL to your ICO file that you are hosting' rel='icon'/>
Paste the above just before the HEAD tag ends.
2 Opinions:
I should start writing my techie blog sometime ;)
Hope you get to it soon. I am sure it would be helpful.
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