The Delhi High Court has ruled a person cannot be deprived of his fundamental rights because of public disapproval of his acts on moral grounds and constitutional morality must dominate over public morality.
Don't really know how this is going to play out, eventually - in the bigger scheme of things, but this is exactly what I have been advocating for a very long time.
Just because a majority believes that something is immoral doesn't necessarily mean that EVERYONE has to subscribe to the same view. One man's witch is another man's fairy.
This is pretty much the tone for most of my posts on the blog.
There is a difference between illegal and immoral. And that difference seems to have been forgotten by most individuals/groups/institutions.
Moral or immoral - in my view, is more of a personal decision. There are some ideas/views/practices that might be popularly viewed as immoral, but it simply can not be considered as binding to absolutely everyone.
Murder/Smuggling .... the likes - are illegal activities.
(All relevant factors considered, of course) Multiple sex partners, drugs, drinking, smoking, gambling, pre-marital sex, prostitution etc. might be considered immoral by most. But that doesn't mean that these activities should be made illegal. Remember, there are people who believe that playing the stock markets is immoral (don't raise your eyebrows - I personally know one - my grandmother). There are people who think giving or receiving interest - is immoral
As open minded as I am, even I frown upon prostitution. Does that mean that it would be right to demand for the activity to be made illegal?
Adultery should be illegal, but if someone has sex with multiple partners with consent of all parties involved, I don't see how or why this should be illegal. People do have orgies, you know. It's not like it doesn't happen or it's always a case of date rape.
Swapping/Swinging is a way of life for many individuals. Immoral - perhaps to you, but definitely not to them.
You don't like it - FINE. But is that reason enough for it to be illegal? You don't like it - you don't do it. The other person gets off on it, how the hell is that YOUR PROBLEM!
Exactly the same argument when it comes to same sex relationships. Look, some people like fish, some like chicken. It's a matter of choice and nothing else.
There are people who believe (strongly) that homosexuality is a psychological disorder. We are all free to believe what we want. It's called having a CHOICE. You chose to believe it's a disorder. For someone else - it's just a way of life. It's how s/he wishes to live.
We are screwed over by not being able to choose our relatives. Similarly, there are a lot of things for which we don't have a choice and we have to put up with it. But there are some things for which we DO have a choice.
A smoker can't convert a non-smoker into a smoker. It's a matter of choice.
Same way - if you don't drink - irrespective of how cheap a bottle of booze gets - you won't drink.
If you are straight, it doesn't matter how many gay couples walk around the city - you will remain straight.
Dikhaawon pe mat jaao... apni akal ladaao.