Chetan Bhagat - the voice of India and the champion of the masses??!! What is it with Chetan Bhagat's desire to act like a selfless martyr who is monly speaking up for greater causes or entities? When the whole #chetanblocks thing happened, basically a minor joke blown out of proportion, Bhagat tweeted that it was an insult to the nation and his commitment to the nation was being questioned, or something like that. Now he is making noises about not getting the credit for 3 Idiots, and is claiming it is all for the sake of the "millions of readers of Five Point Someone". He has even copy-pasted emails from readers! And he talks about how his mother cried because he wasn't credited. If this got any more kitschy, it could be Bhagat's next book! |
Gaurav Sabnis, a blogger - talking about Chetan Bhagat and 3 Idiots. My views, after the link
Heard a lot about the ‘controversy’ surrounding the movie. It was a bit surprising that no one was pointing out what an average book Five Point Someone is.
Extremely glad that there is at least one other person who agrees with me that all this drama is nothing but Chetan regretting that he didn't ask for more money.
The book, in my opinion - was readable, but nothing great. Given that FPS was the first Chetan Bhagat book that I had bothered with, I read through it. But the next books of his that I read - were absolutely crap.
The only thing this idiot can write about is college or food. And that too - not very well (in my view). It does tend to get boring.
I am actually an Aamir Khan fan. Really do enjoy his performances. I did enjoy Aamir Khan movies, but then - if the plot is nonsense, I don't see any reason to watch the movie just because it stars Aamir. One can usually make out from the promos itself.
There was a time when I looked forward to the next Aamir Khan release. That was until I watched Ghajini (I loved memento. Aamir in Ghajini was loud.. and plain stupid. The scenes where he screams.. seemed more like it was a Werewolf movie).
About 3 idiots - Watched the promos. Read somewhere that it was based on FPS and decided not to bother with it. A few friends of mine just wouldn’t quit talking about the movie. I had a lot of things on my mind, and I really didn’t understand why my friends wanted to talk about this. Perhaps they were just trying to get me thinking about something else. May be they actually did enjoy the movie.
In the process, they happened to narrate some of the dialogues of the movie. They did describe part of the plot as well and all that did was - give me more reasons to avoid the movie.
The jokes were obviously stale. Way too many convenient coincidences. The fact that even after 10 years of not keeping in touch, Kareena-thuu-Kapoor is still in love with Aamir and is reminded of her unconditional love - by the other 2 idiots, on the day of her marriage – kya re! thoda zyaada ho gaya.
Sorry, but crappy Bollywood nonsense doesn’t go down well with me. The fact that this movie became a superhit is not so hard to believe given that crap like Ghajini and other stupid movies end up setting box office records all the time.
Guess with all the shit people get hit with all the time, they are more than happy with mediocre crap as long as it has a star’s name in the credit. How else can one explain the success of Ghajini, Om Shanti Om, Main Hoon Na bla bla bla.