No Demat Accounts For Hindu Gods (err.. seriously, someone did put up a petition)
MUMBAI: Let gods remain in temples and not enter the stock markets, said the Bombay High Court while dismissing a petition seeking orders to authorities to allow Hindu gods to open demat accounts.
Disturbing headline. The article was even more disturbing.
Deities have PAN Cards in their names? Land / property! WTF??!! Like it wasn’t bad enough for the god men [illegally] accumulating wealth in the name of religious institutions and organisations, NOW they want to do it in the name of the deities themselves!!
So, do these deities have wills as well? Have they appointed caretakers for the property? Who signs off on behalf of the deities? I am sure any trustee or individual can be given authority to sign on behalf of another PERSON, but how is the ORIGINAL Authorization Letter signed? What would be the text of such a Letter of Authority?
To Whom It May Concern
I Lord Ganesha – holder of Indian PAN Card No: 0123456789, mailing address - Ganpati Panchayatam Sansthan, hereby appoint and authorise Mr. Natwarlaal to act on my behalf for all legal and financial matters.
Yours divinely
(I can’t really sign, so here is a symbol – Well, if AFKAP can have a symbol, so can I)
The High Courts seem to have way too much time on their hands. Such PETITIONS should be thrown out the moment they are presented.
I won’t be surprised if some fanatic now jumps up and says “Why the court mentioned only HINDU gods! What about the other gods!!”
The country is a fucking joke!
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