Track Your Vehicle Via SMS / Voice Call
Nothing new about it. Ever heard of WebTech Wireless? It would seem that a lot of people haven’t.
Sending off an alert via SMS/Phone call err.. ahem. Well considering that all the major work had already been done by others YEARS ago, what exactly did the people at Tcop actually do? Shove in a SIM card and have it shoot off text messages? That’s all it takes to make a headline?
We have had (for years) devices to track the movement/locations. There are also systems which give you alerts (over a web interface) like Door Open, Ignition On/Off, Car Stopped, Door Opened, Seat Belt On/Off bla bla with the locations and time stamps.
I actually watched my friend use the web interface in Kuwait YEARS AGO keeping track of his delivery trucks and where the drivers were taking the trucks. He has been using it for about 4 years, now.
BUT IRS 7,000 is rather cheap. Which makes me wonder - just how well does this device work? Especially when they put up that there are NO OTHER CHARGES except from the second year onwards a IRS 100 (annually) to Vodafone - That’s REALLY cheap.
BTW, the headline of the article SUCKS - “Now You Can Talk To Your Car Even After It’s Stolen”. COME ON!
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