Sunday, November 28, 2010

Teacher Bans Students From Bringing Pencils To School



When I first read the headline, I thought – perhaps the teacher wanted every student to have their own Netbook (which wouldn’t be a bad idea). But the teacher’s argument against pencils is…… ”pencils can be used to build weapons”!!

The teacher (Wendy Scott) sent a memo to the parents of her sixth grade students stating that from Nov 15, any student bringing writing implements to school would face disciplinary action for having materials to build weapons! It also said that pencils would be provided for students in the class.

Just curious - how are Wendy Scott’s pencils different from the ones that the students are getting?

Fists and feet can be used as weapons too, so… err… what would Wendy suggest next? Chop off the hands and legs of the sixth grade students?

I bet Wendy would love to implement TSA’s ‘security measures’ before anyone enters her class.

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