Thursday, August 4, 2011

Hospital Dumps Patients In The Field - UP

Allahabad:  Dehumanised, neglected and virtually left on their own - this is the condition of two patients in Allahabad. They have been dumped by a government hospital simply because they are too poor to afford their treatment.


This is appalling (to say the least) but it gets worse. NDTV goes on to report:

A case has been registered against doctor Sonu Sharma, ward boys Dharmendra and Raju Yadav and ambulance driver Shiv Nirmal of the Swaroop Rani Nehru Hospital for dumping the two seriously ill patients, police said Wednesday.

They have been booked for attempt to murder. Barring the doctor, the others have been arrested.

Why wasn’t the doctor arrested??! Absconding? Missing? Dead?

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