Friday, October 21, 2011



I had read what the film was about. Figured it just may be worth a watch. A few minutes after I hit Play, the film was being deleted from the Recycle Bin.

The President of Pakistan is sitting in his office and his PA is helping him get rid of the tremendous work load (a few files). One meeting is scheduled and the President signs his approval.

The next file pertains to a clemency appeal. The President enquires what this is about and the PA says ‘Bla bla sentenced to death has appealed for clemency’. President uncle doesn’t ask for the files or for the case details (!!).

This is how the President gives the appeal his careful consideration – Idiot uncle taps the appeal with his pen a few times and then writes the word Rejected on it.

Wow! Given that he didn’t even read the application, asking for the case files / details is obviously out of the question. Busy man.

The next matter of business to attend to is – The person sentenced to death has also submitted a request which is to be presented in the event that her appeal for clemency is rejected. The request is to allow the media to film her story telling session hours prior to her scheduled execution.

President uncle now says this request may be granted and also asks the PA to make sure to get a copy of the video recording.

Can’t be bothered to read the case details, but watching a recording of her story (after her execution) would be sensible use of the president’s time. Makes complete sense.

President uncle then goes ahead and signs his approval on this request. He doesn’t write Approved. The word he pens onto the application is Alright !?!

That was enough for me. Stop – Move Folder To Trash – Empty Trash.

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