Thursday, November 17, 2011

Airline Asks Passenger For Money… To Refuel!

Reena Rindi, who was on the plane with her two-year-old daughter, told Channel 4 News: "We wanted to go home. We'd been stranded for about three to four days. Who was going to take us home?"

She said passengers agreed to pay in order to fly to Birmingham.

"If we didn't have the money they were making us go one by one outside in Vienna to get the cash out," she added.

Another woman who flew from Amritsar to Birmingham via Vienna told the BBC: "We had to pay 150 euros last night in Vienna to get back to Birmingham and then they wouldn't fly us back to Birmingham so we had to pay ourselves to come back."


Comtel Air introduced cheap flights from Birmingham to Amritsar in the Punjab, via Vienna, last month.

Paying for the in-flight meal is probably acceptable, but some airlines take it a bit too far. I thought Ryanair was taking it too far when Ryanair boss suggested a Pay-Per-Pee structure [Link].

But asking passengers to pay for refuelling!? I have loads of reasons for not flying budget airlines, but I never thought something like this would be included in that list.

Interestingly enough, here is the message from their website:

Gain an insight in the world of luxury flying – with COMTEL AIR.

Enjoy our unique service during your flight with exclusive business comfort offered by our crew of highly qualified and experienced employees teamed with their world renowned and valued Austrian charm.

Experience warmth, sincerity, professionalism, safety, competence and premium service. All wrapped up in one airline:COMTEL AIR.



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