Taj Mahal To Turn Blue On November 13th

There is no shortage of idiots in the world. Padhe likhe jaahil.
Instead of spending time and effort on such idiotic gimmicks, wouldn’t it make more sense to set up camps or something where people could be tested and given information, suggestions on medicines and / or food charts? How about THAT for awareness?
Before I read this news article, I wasn’t aware that a blue circle was the universal symbol of diabetes (there are a lot of things I don’t know about). I am pretty sure there will be shit loads of people in Agra who will look at the blue Taj and think “hmm, another light show”.
That can NOT be termed as increasing awareness!
Dikhaawon pe mat jaao… apni akal ladaao.
Just for the record – it’s spelt Archaeological and NOT Archeological !!! Doob maro!
2 Opinions:
It is a tomb... for Heaven's sake... How much more blue can it get? ;) :P
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