Monday, July 11, 2016

Hilton Resort

Travelling for the holidays would be fun for a lot of people. Not for me. The thought of a crowded airport is absolutely revolting (and Kuwait airport is sure to be jam-packed during the holidays). I am not very fond of ‘people’ in general and travelling during holidays becomes a chore for me which I would prefer to avoid. I will travel (holiday or not) ONLY IF there is a need to.

So, instead of travelling, I decided to take a break in Kuwait itself. Figured my family deserved a break. So even though Eid holidays were spent at home, I did set up a break for the weekend preceeding the Eid holidays.

Had reserved the Royal Villa at the Hilton Resorts. Everything from the reservation to the check-out was seamless. The staff (reception, room-service, housekeeping, spa, Teatro) was polite and professional. The property itself was well-maintained and well stocked.

I was told that the food was delicious (I have absolutely no sense of taste when it comes to food). The only thing I can comment on (about the food) is that there was plenty to choose from.

In between splashing around in the pool and walking along the beach, I did manage to get in a few hours of work as well (someone has to pay the bills).

All in all, a good break.

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